Guaranteed Return Plan

Guaranteed Income Return Plan

Investosure's Guaranteed Investment Return Plan, unveiled in late 2020, is a unique offering designed for unmatched peace of mind in our valued clientele. Our seasoned financial experts strategically manage a diverse portfolio, ensuring substantial returns and a robust revenue stream for our organization. This plan guarantees both investment safety and promised returns, reinforced by a Post-Dated Cheque. Clients receive a notarized copy of the investment bond, solidifying the unequivocal 100% security of their investment

Guaranteed Income Return Plan

Guaranteed Investment Return Plan

Key Points

  • Age limit 18+
  • Policy Timeline 3 months to 3 years
  • Mid and Short term plans
  • Investment in trading accounts


  • Wealth Creation
  • Offers peace of mind
  • Profits on more than 90%+ trade calls